Sunday, September 29, 2013

Listfive Blog - Jordan Buller has been waiting 3 days for you in Battle Camp


Jordan Buller wants to challenge you in Battle Camp.

Accept Open

Experience the AWESOME in Battle Camp. Catch monsters, crush bosses, and dominate your competition. Download for FREE on iOS.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Listfive Blog - Jordan Buller sent you a request in Battle Camp


Jordan Buller wants to challenge you in Battle Camp.

Accept Open

Experience the AWESOME in Battle Camp. Catch monsters, crush bosses, and dominate your competition. Download for FREE on iOS.


Monday, January 7, 2008

Setting the Course

The ListFive team had our first meeting about a week ago and we all felt pretty excited about the ListFive concept and the path we're taking. Since ListFive is still in a formative stage, we're continually having discussions to revise and refine the idea.

I really like the potential of ListFive because we're essentially trying to create something that explores the opportunities created by the social networking phenomena. But beyond just the ListFive concept, we're trying to achieve this mission:
  • Harness the power of social networks in new ways to create new personalized content for users
  • Create a community for people to share and exchange interests and ideas
  • Maximize the potential of user-generated opinions and recommendations so that people can better explore and expand on their interests
We're basically hoping to take social networking to the next level where the discovery of new, useful content is a product of social networks. I'm really excited to see if our idea works out the way we're envisioning because I know it's always a really cool feeling to stumble onto a new musician, movie, etc. that I really dig.

For example, I randomly heard a song I really liked on an "A Diamond is Forever" commercial. I had to search around the internet with my best searching (or what some may call stalking) skills to find this song and the musician. Soon after finding the musician, I discovered that this musician has a lot of other really cool songs. But who knows, maybe through ListFive, I could have discovered this artist a lot sooner and more easily because of the recommendations I'll be receiving.

As we further develop the website, we'll need as much feedback as we can get, so please let us know what you think works and doesn't work.


Friday, December 21, 2007

And so it begins!

So, this is the beginning of ListFive. Right now, ListFive is just the four of us trying to pull together an idea into a website and an application that will be awesome, and hopefully at least a little bit profitable.

Before I go too far, I suppose I should summarize what that Idea is. The idea comes from a belief that as great as computers are (I am a computer science major, I think they are fricking awesome), humans can do certain things better.We hope to create a website that pulls people together based on mutual interests chiefly for the sake of making recommendations.

There of course can be communication and acquaintances made, but the main point of ListFive is recommendations. This is not some computer algorithm guessing what you like, nor is it you looking through troves of other peoples lists, digging for something that pops out (although this is possible). The point is to find someone who can tell you where to look next, and whatever that direction is.

This blog will be a collection of news, notes and rants from us, the developers, as we bring ListFive from an idea into a real concept, and hopefully eventually into something that will grow and change over time.

For now, let me say that work is going great. Right now we are working on the first steps, which include:
  • Designing the look and feel of the website
  • Figuring out the code that match common interests
  • Determining how to best connect users with places to look at or buy their recommendations
  • Making a plan for how we will get this site out the door, and then how we will grow from there.
If anyone is interested in being involved as we move forward, either in helping us make the code or in being an early tester, please shoot us an email at Otherwise, hope to keep talking and see you soon!